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Divine Service


Holy Communion

Sunday - 10:00am

Saturday - 5:00pm


Many people think that worship is primarily about what we do for God. Actually, the opposite is true. Worship is first about God giving us his gifts! God comes to us in the proclamation of His Word, the pronouncement of Absolution, and the reception of Holy Communion. Through these means of grace, we really do encounter the crucified and risen Jesus, and God really does grant us forgiveness, life, and salvation! We use a very specific ancient order of worship (liturgy) and call it Divine Service, keeping the focus of worship on God and His work.

Our nave is equipped with a Hearing Loop, which sends the voices of the pastor, choir and soloist from their microphones directly into a hearing aid or cochlear implant. The system provides the clearest, cleanest sound imaginable and does not require a headset, as it works with the TCoil or Telecoil that most hearing aids come equipped with. 

We commune with those who are truly sorry for their sins, desire God’s forgiveness, forgive others, believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and believe that with the bread and wine the true body and blood of Jesus is received. Please note that those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily do so to their great harm, and that Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar. Therefore any who are not yet instructed or who hold a confession differing from that of this congregation and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and yet desire to receive this sacrament, are asked to first speak with the pastor. 

Our Communion Statement


If you are not communing, we still invite you to come forward. Cross your arms over your chest, and the pastor will give you a blessing. The inner ring of the Communion tray has grape juice for those unable to take wine. If you wish to be served Communion in your pew, please notify an usher before our service begins.

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